Tuesday, October 28, 2003

I really thought I would breeze through this week...

I really did. After all, Halloween marks the half year point since my conversion; this year it is 7 1/2 years since accepting Christ. I still get desires to go back, but Beltane is usually worse than Halloween for that. Besides, I've learned to fight the temptations, and they lessen over time anyway.

So why do I feel my world crashing down around me? Why, when so many other people are hurting and in need of help, do I find myself wishing I could be ministered to?

My counselor asked me if my depression's returned. I don't know if it has or not. I'll evaluate that when my world stops spinning and I can access where my emotions stem from. I am very sad, but it could just be situational and will pass. Yes, I am still taking my meds. I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid.

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