Wednesday, August 31, 2005

back home & sick

The wedding went well and I'll have to update when I can. My sister was kind enough to share her cold with me, so I'm down for the count and home from work which is actually kind of nice because I have time to get things done. There were parties every night and it was just exhausting - too many parties, too much to drink (although almost always within my limits), and too little sleep. Thursday was the rehearsal and dinner, Friday was April's bachelorette party, Saturday was the out-of-towners' party, and Sunday was the wedding (the only night I drank too much).

The wedding was outside and dry, but it started raining shortly after the wedding was over, and didn't let up. What good timing!

I have no pictures, but there were two pro photographers there, so hopefully I can see some of those pictures. I'm wearing a wig, so you won't be able to pick me out by my blue hair. ;) However, as the Maid of Honor I got to wear a peachy pink dress instead of the lime green the rest of the bridesmaids had to wear.

(Speaking of which, now that I have my home computer back as of yesterday [yay!] I am working on getting my Conference pictures up. They are being worked on. Hopefully being sick will give me time to make a good dent in all the work.)

Sorry there were no updates while I was gone. April kept us crazy busy and there was no computer at her house (I guess it had already been moved to her new house).

I'm eating bad today. I just can't eat semi-bad over a vacation and come home and NOT binge. Back on the wagon tomorrow for sure. The carbs and heat together are making me REALLY thirsty.

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