Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Feeling pretty good...

...just totally wiped out. I had a hard time completing my weight training followed by 1 hour of cardio. And 45 minutes of that cardio was just treadmill walking at 3.5 mph. I just didn't have the energy for more. I'm wiped.

I haven't slept well all week and I'm not sure if it's my shoulders (bad enough again that I am seeing the chiropractor on Friday) or something else. I wake up at least 60 minutes before my alarm clock goes off and can't get back to sleep. I've also did three workouts in five days, plus walking to work more often on days I can't get to the gym. It could just be more physical activity than I'm used it.

At least I know that a couple of adjustments should fix me right up, and though he raised his price $5, I can still get an adjustment and a 1/2 hour professional massage for $50. Sure beats having to go to NHI with their month long waiting list and student massage therapists. The therapist at the chiropractor will just target your problem area, rather than doing your whole body.

142.8 this morning, a slight jump from yesterday's weigh-in. And today was my official one for the week. But I have been pretty much sticking to my diet, lifting weights, and eating plenty of protein, so I doubt that my inability to hit and stay at 142 is from fat gain. I did make it through yesterday without overeating. According to, my period is late; I am wondering if this is PMS, or am I just wanting more food because gaining muscle has raised my metabolism? One can dream, no? ;) Most likely it's just one of those "hungry days" that happen now and then for no apparent reason.

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