Thursday, August 16, 2007

I'm being good, but still gaining :(

Calories eaten yesterday: 1245
Fat: 28g (22%)
Carbs: 95g (32%)
Protein: 125g (42%)

Weight this morning: 137.8 (One week ago: 136.6)
Calories burned in exercise today: 262

Today is stress city here at work! The translator issues we've been having are still with us according to Marie Camping and Brad is not here to fix it, so I have been muddling though and talking to (and getting talked to) by a bunch of people so I can't get anything else done! Argh! And the stress is making me hungry.

I went to the gym. Felt good when I was working out, but as soon as I finished and got dressed I could see how fat I am and that depressed me. I haven't hit goal all week, so I am actually fatter than I was last week (!). My body hates me and is turning everything I eat into fat. I really do have a totally non-existent metabolism.

I've even prayed for weight loss and that isn't helping either.

The Zantrex-3 pills do give me energy, but don't help me lose. I bought more of the NanoSlim. I did lose weight while taking it, though that could just be due to diet.

I bought Magnesium and Omega-3 fish oil from Lupe downstairs at work since I am running low on those. And I need ZMA and more soy milk from the health food store.

I've been stalled since getting back from vacation. Why is my body doing this to me?!? I think I am doomed to be fat no matter how little I eat. :( Maybe giving blood tomorrow will help? (Yeah right!) :(

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1 comment:

pendell said...

"I've even prayed for weight loss and that isn't helping either."


Pray for "wisdom WRT weight loss" first. God promises wisdom a lot more often than he promises miracles (James 1:5).

You can then use that wisdom (which can practically be gained at the local library -- that's where I put together my weight loss plan) either to guide your efforts, or at least to pray more effectively.

I've learned never to simply accept a "no" from God. I've learned to find out, if at all possible, *why* the answer is "no" and what he will answer in its place.

You wrote awhile back that at conference you wondered if you were too focused on weight loss .. maybe this is God's way of telling you that, yes, yes, you are? And if that is so, maybe part of the answer is to focus on it less?

Your friend,

Brian P.