Monday, November 20, 2006

Manic Monday

me drinking wineWeight: 145.4
Calories eaten yesterday: 1380
Fat: 49g (33%)
Carbs: 45g (14%)
Protein: 135g (41%)
Calories burned in exercise: 259

<--Random picture of me drinking wine.

My blogroll has been getting out of control. In an effort to keep it under control - and because I can't have more than one drop down menu (I tried) - I have grouped various blogs into posts here. The blogroll points to posts here where I have a listing of all the blogs in that category: low-carb blogs, Knights of the Round Bottoms, religion blogs, and journals. I'll edit the posts if I need to add or delete a blog from my listing. Sorry for the large number of posts today, but that's what's going on. It's a one time thing, though I may add a catagory for general weight loss blogs in the future. Right now only one blog fits that catagory, so I grouped her in the post with the Knights for now. [Edit: non low-carb weight loss blogs now have their own catagory.]

Well, I feel guilty today. I had to do something I promised I wouldn't. The background is - last year my Dad gave me a piece of property that is in the process of being sold. Each month I receive a check for about $200 from the mortgage company. I promised Dad I wouldn't spend the money; I would save/invest it. And so far I have. But coming up on Thanksgiving I'm broke and needed money for things like a haircut so I don't look like a mess in the family pictures. I had two checks at home. I took one and cashed it. I got a haircut (just to trim off the uneven ends), a rolling Pullman duffel bag with backpack straps to use as a carry-on bag this week ($25 at WalMart!), and even Hoodia pills to help suppress my appetite so I'll eat less. Not that I don't eat when I'm not hungry - this is an issue I need to work on harder - "don't feed the wrong need."

I'm thinking of doing a "no carb" day when I get back from Seattle - buy a pre-cooked chicken and just eat that for one day. One day of meat only won't kill me. Still debating whether I want to do it or not.

No exercise today except for the 1.5 mile walk from the BART station. None tomorrow either, though I plan to do the walk of course. And then I leave Wednesday morning!

Only two days until I leave! Yikes! It's coming up so fast. I may - or may not - have computer access. Even if I do it may be too short to post entries. I'll keep a longhand journal and retype and post it here whenever I have time, even if it's after I get back.

Pray that I be a good witness for Christ to my family. I'll be the only Christian there. Pray that God draws each and every one of them to Him.

One last thing: check out this awesome article in Men's Health entitled The Cure for Diabetes. I printed it out to give to my Dad when I see him at Thanksgiving.

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1 comment:

Don Q. said...

God comes to the hungry in the form of food. - Gandhi

Excuse the unintentional pun. Just a response to your wish to be a good witness for Christ when you are with your family.

Best of luck,
Sir Chub