Saturday, November 04, 2006

The good, the bad, and the ugly, take 2

27 days cheat freeFriday weight: 143.4
Calories eaten Thursday: 1791
Fat: 81g (43%)
Carbs: 55g (13%)
Protein: 122g (29%)
Calories burned in exercise: 299

Saturday weight: 144.4
Calories eaten Friday: 1772
Fat: 60g (33%)
Carbs: 70g (17%)
Protein: 125g (30%)
Calories burned in exercise: 238

The good:
I broke 900,000 steps Thursday. Only 100,000 more to my first goal of 1 million. Yippee!

The bad:
Seems the low-carb forum likes banning people. I'm not the only one. I received this in my comments on Thursday's post:
Active Low Carb forum is horrible.

I got banned several years ago, just for disagreeing with some information regarding the Four Corners Diet (formerly the Go-Diet). The coauthor of the book was on the forum and got ticked that I had the nerve to say that there were no studies other than the author's, that back up the premise that yogurt loses carbs in the fermentation process. She flipped, complained and I got banned. No intelligent arguments; nothing.

I don't miss it, there are plenty of wonderful forums out there in internet land where we can freely exchange information. I recommend Low Carb Friends; a great website where you will surely be welcome.

I remember seeing a link somewhere to a Christian low-carb forum. It might be worth seeing if I can track down the link.

Let's take a vote. Raise your hand if you agree with one person on the low-carb forum who let loose on me and said that every week I weighed in I "complained" that I was "binging and gaining" "every week."

This is nothing but a bald-faced lie. I can't possibly complain that I am binging every week because at the time this was written I had been cheat-free for three weeks. Before that I had been cheat free for seven weeks. So that's what? binge in 2 1/2 months? I also haven't gained every week, as you can see by looking back over my weekly weigh-ins. But hey, what does truth matter when you are trying to bash someone? In my experience, truth has nothing to do with it. If these people don't like you they will lie about you. If you currently go to that forum, be warned!

I'm trying to remove all links from this blog that go to the bad low-carb forum and I think I got most of them. But there are still some links on Flickr to recipes. This coming week I'm going to type up those recipes here, with my changes to make them easier. Keep an eye out for them. I have five recipes, including one dessert, and they are guaranteed to have 20 minutes or less prep time. Hey Brian, Susan might want to try some or all of these.

The ugly:
Got my stitches taken out Friday. I took 1200 milligrams of Ibuprofen before just in case, but this guy is good and he caused very little pain. I told him that the novacaine he injected last week for my surgery hurt the least than any other time I've had it done. He is good! He says I am healing very well, and that the sensitivity to cold should go away within a month. The sensitivity to hot should go away sooner or it could indicate bigger problems, such as a rotten tooth. He said to start using the tree-shaped brush between the teeth he worked on, and not to be concerned if they bleed a little. He said if my gums are too sensitive to do it every other day until they heal better.

After the dentist appointment I walked down to Lake Merritt and walked around it - a little over 3 miles. On the way home I took the 11 bus and got off early and walked the rest of the way. I had over 13,000 steps by the time I arrived home. :)

Click to enlarge.

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Anonymous said...

If you find a good Christian, low carb forum, please PLEASE post it!

I low carb as well, and would love to be part of a Christian lowcarbing forum. Thanks in advance.

Kent said...

If you are looking for Atkins forum, you certainly invited to take a look at Atkins Diet Bulletin Board (ADBB). Truth in advertising: it is the board I administrate and has about 24,000 registered members. It is a bit more Atkins-focused than the other board you mentioned, so most of the responses you get will be in that vein. :-)

Anonymous said...

Well, I am away from home for the weekend with no computer access and everything goes to cr*p. I have no idea what happened, but I'm with ya. Let me know if you find another good forum...