Saturday, July 22, 2006

I stuck to my diet at a party!

5 days cheat freeCalories eaten yesterday: 1824
Calories burned: 1847
Carbs: 51g
Fat: 72g
Calories burned in exercise: 0

My once-loose size 10 dress for church now fit perfectly. :( I hate being fat.

I had to go to a birthday party after church today, where there was lots of delicious food. I have to count calories seven days a week if I want to lose weight, so I couldn't even have the legal stuff. I brought a lunch with me, and pretty much stuck to plan. I "cheated" only on two bites of beef, two tortilla chips, and one strawberry. Other than that I stuck with my food and Diet Coke. It's so hard to stay on plan during times like these. I really want to be able to loosen up on Saturdays, but I don't see that happening for a while. :( I did a quick weigh-in while lightly dressed and after I had coffee and I was over 147 - that's 10 pounds over my goal. I feel I will never get there. The closest I've come so far is 0.6 pounds above and that was just for one day. Plus, I know I gained some real weight during my 5 days off plan recently.

Got on my exercise bike for 35 minutes so I could add a glass of wine and some more veggies today. I'm really hungry. And it's SO hot. I've been drinking water like there's no tomorrow.

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1 comment:

Lira said...

Congrats on sticking to your food plan. Food and parties make for a difficult challenge. But I for one wouldn't call fitting a size 10 dress an indication of "fatness." Keep going. You'll make it.