Thursday, July 06, 2006

Day 38

12 days cheat freeWeight: 140
Calories eaten yesterday: 1793
Calories burned: 2083
Deficit: 290 calories
Carbs: 49g (good)
Fat: 81g (yippee)
Calories burned in exercise: 272

Day 38 of my new start. I thought for sure my weight would be up today because my sodium intake was sky high yesterday, but my weight held. Coolness! Slowly it's coming down. Cutting the calories back just a bit has really helped.

I want the taste of all those delicious carby binge foods, but I also know that I would set myself back for a few weeks if I were to do so. Thus far that has kept me in check. Atkins works, but you have to work the program!

Why does the bakery section have to be right by the produce section at the grocery store? I am tempted by those huge chocolate muffins every week.

I'm trying something new with my cooking, since staying up late every Thursday and trying to cook, do laundry, and pack lunches all at once is a bit frazzling. Today I bought a buttload of ground turkey, and plan to stay up late tonight and hopefully get enough burgers cooked for two weeks, which will mean no cooking next week. I think I have tomorrow free, also, to finish anything I don't get done tonight.

My paycheck was disappointing this week. I put my church giving right behind rent and groceries. Well, after rent and groceries, there was nothing left over. And forget paying bills. My bank account is back in the negative and I just got paid today! I can't wait for my vacation check to get here. Paying my Internet service up has really messed with my finances, and I really want to get my blood tests done ASAP. It's been over a year since my last one. *sigh* I know it'll all work out - it always does - but I just don't need the stress. Maybe I should cash in more vacation time and leave just enough for my vacation in August.

I've been evangelized by a raw foods vegan on Flickr. I swear, I respected Tina when she went that way, but I don't respect people who think their way is the only way and you must be a moron if you don't understand that. *sigh*

It's the same mentality as those on the low-carb board who think you're an idiot if you do Weight Watchers. I found myself in the strange position of defending WW because my Mom has done great on it - she lost 70 pounds and has kept the weight off.

I started getting ready for Conference by buying a jar of organic peanut butter today to supplement my breakfasts there. I'll get a loaf of low-carb bread a little closer to the date I leave. I like meat and eggs, but it gets really tiring after a real short time as the only breakfast choices, and at least one day the only thing they serve that I can eat is eggs. So peanut butter on low-carb bread it is. It'll be a nice treat as bread does make me gain weight, but I loosen up a bit on vacation. :)

I'm going to wow everyone at Conference by wearing those size 8 shorts that were skin tight last year. This year they fit!

Well, this is my Friday so wish me luck as I head into my weekend, that I stick to my diet and not gain! Weekends are the hardest. At work I have stuff to distract me; no such luck at home.

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1 comment:

Lira said...

My blessed vegan way or the evil-bad carnivorous highway! Mwahahaha. Ha.

It kinda comes back around the other way too, for those of us with vegan or low-carb lifestyles. The all-American diet can be touted as the only way to eat and everyone else is weird. Honestly, I find that this reaction to differences in others simply indicates a small and perhaps frightened mind.

*hugs again during the money crunch*

You'll make it.