Tuesday, December 14, 1993

poem: The Goddess

Alone and frightened, I walk in the dark,
Above me glows a waning moon,
It speaks of death and life to come,
And I ask the question, "But how soon?"

"A mess I'm in!" I cry aloud,
"I've dug myself into this dark.
My Fire of Will lies dead and cold,
Who can relight it with their spark?"

Sadness now around me swirls,
While anger's Fire burns passion bright.
My Fire of Will may be dead and gone,
But can I turn the anger into light?

And now I tread through quickened time,
My future seen in one event,
Sadly now to sit and write,
Another lesson Goddess-sent.

I sadly sit here, realize slow,
That I'm not as mature as I had thought,
All my dreams that seemed so close,
Are gone again, and must be sought.

Once there was hope that kept me sane,
Once there was hope to give me light,
And now it's gone to ne'er return,
As my day turns into night.

So down my inner streets I go,
Looking for a sign of life,
Looking outside no stars glow,
Looking inside only strife.

Life's walls around me crumble now,
Faith is here, but hope is lost,
I'm on a journey of no return,
As on life's seas alone I'm tossed.

So on a journey just begun,
I stand here naked in the cold,
I walk on stones with bleeding feet,
Toward other pains as yet untold.

Good-bye to home, good-bye to hope,
Good-bye to all I hold so dear,
Alone I sit and weep aloud,
As inky blackness draws now near.