Saturday, February 10, 1996

Sprained Ankle

On Thursday night at work (February 8) I sprained my ankle at work. I slipped in some water, my left foot twisted, and all my weight went down on my ankle. Ouch! It really hurt, I went home that night after turning down Carlos' offer to call a doctor, but decided later that I better go to the Student Health Center. Eleanor drive me to school the next day and I saw the doctor at the Health Center. My ankle was pronounced sprained. My first sprained ankle! They put ice on it and wrapped it in an Ace bandage. Whereas before I practically needed crutches to walk, I felt much better after this. I didn't know this {that my ankle felt better} until after I had gotten up, by which time I had told the doctor that walking was very painful, and she had got crutches for me. So I have them, but it turns out I don't need them. Just above my heel on both sides of my foot I have nice purple bruises. But I'm walking, if slowly, and I even did some spring cleaning today. Considering all, it could be worse.

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