Saturday, April 17, 2004

Utter failure

Utter failure today. Breakfast no prob: Chocolate Royale Atkins shake - 2 carbs. The lunch potluck was a problem, with only four foods to choose from, three starchy, what could I do? There was brown rice (which I ate a lot of), and it was mixed with a cream soup and small pieces of chicken, and pot stickers (I had several), and spaghetti (I had none). All the drinks were sugary, so I had ice water. There were also green beans and I took way more than my portion. Dinner was at a buffet and I chose lots of meat, but a lot of it was basted in sugary sauces. I also had a few veggies, and a couple hot dogs smoothered with cheese sauce (no bun of course). Three glasses of diet Coke (I was very thirsty). No dessert. All in all, I must have eaten a couple HUNDRED carbs. :(

I feel TERRIBLE about myself! :-(

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