Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Two Quizzes

You are Victoria!
You are ... Victoria Shephard (NEWBIRTH)!

As everybody's favorite ex-pagan Antichrist head, God must have great things in store for you, 'cause he's been training you with every stress imaginable. Your blog reads like a bad adventure serial, with every episode ending with the heroine tied to the tracks, dangling from a cliff, or being lowered into a stew vat.(But never sitting in the basement browsing internet sites in her underwear.) You used to be a Witch, but you've been dry for many years now and haven't turned anyone into a toad since you broke up with your last boyfriend. It's HARD -- the craving to make the bozo who takes your seat on the bus hop around in a pond is nigh-impossible to resist -- BUT YOU WILL BE STRONG! *Poof* Oh, noooo .. I'm so sorry Greg, I really really didn't mean to do that... *Sob* You try so hard, you think you've got it under control and when you LEAST it expect it -- wham! This is why, although your friends love you dearly, they try not to get too close when you're in a bad mood. Witchcraft and PMS DO NOT MIX.

Which Head of the Multiheaded Antichrist are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're Vatican City!
You're pretty sure that you're infallible in all that you do or say, and it's hard to say whether you're right.  You have a lot of followers, most of whom will do whatever you say without question, or line up to see you ride around in your spiffy car.  Religious and reserved, you have some wisdom, but also a bit much contempt for everyone around you.  You're also fabulously wealthy, no matter what you say to the contrary.

Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid

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