Sunday, November 14, 2004

Covenant promises

This is something that's a natural outgrowth of being involved in two faiths and having dealings with more than one G/god.

Okay, as many of you are aware, in Wicca there is a certain point where you dedicate yourself to the gods. Not all traditions have this, but in my coven, you were first dedicated to the gods, then trained for a year, then initiated. In both of these rituals, I swore my allegiance to them.

Fast forward four years and I find myself dedicating myself to a new God, and (over time He made it clear I had to do this) leaving my former gods behind. Over the past 8 1/2 years I've followed Him, I've tried to struggle free, walk off, do my own thing, only to get drawn back, first gently, and if that doesn't work, with His clue-by-four.

I've come to the conclusion that asking Him into my life, whether I knew it or not, was making a covenant promise to Him. He takes the covenants He makes VERY seriously, and seems to think that I should take mine seriously, too.

But this is not just true of God, but seems to be true in all of the spiritual realms. From the day I came back to God, SHE has never let up on me. She also seems to think that I need to take my covenant promises to her seriously. (A promise to God trumps them all, but she doesn't care.)

Where am I going with this? I'm not sure I have a point, except perhaps that covenants are alive and well today and we best be careful when making covenants with things bigger than ourselves. Due to my past of making a covenant with two opposing forces, I feel like I will always be trapped in the middle, with both sides claiming they have rightful ownership of me.

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