Saturday, January 22, 2005

My trigger points - Just venting, take 3

And the saga continues. I guess I should expect this kind of treatment from unbelievers.

[Later note: After being booted as a mod for being "homophobic," this was my reply to that person. Names have been removed to protect privacy and initials are used instead.]

See, that's just what I mean. My personal belief about the unhealthiness of someone's lifestyle is automatically condemned as "homophobia." What does that mean? That I am afraid of CB? I'm sorry that you cannot separate a person from what they do. I didn't save CB's life on Christmas Eve because I hate him; I don't hate him. I didn't sent him a card because I hate him (he didn't tell you about that, did he?); I don't send cards to people I hate. I simply have better things to do with my time. N. didn't apologize to me because she felt I was homophobic, because she knows I'm not. L. doesn't feel I'm "homophobic" (whatever that means), even though our beliefs on many things are diametrically opposite.

I wanted to talk about this, but it seems you have already labeled me. And once someone is labeled, there is no way to defend oneself. (Am I right?) I would like to see the log of the chat. I'm going off memory here and I would like to refresh my memory of what CB is getting upset over. I also find it fascinating that regular chatters can't be kicked without massive proof and input from everybody, but you will dismiss a mod over anything.

CB does what no one else does. He defines his entire person by his sexual orientation. If someone were to do the same to me about my sexual orientation, I'd laugh them off because I am so much more than that. My identity is not grounded in whether I like men or women. And THAT is why N. could see the truth, and apologized to me - she is so much more than her sexuality.

Now excuse me, but I have a funeral to go to, and I'm going to be late.


That's what upsets me the most is being labled "homophobic" for believing that lifestyle is wrong. It's such an offhand way to dismiss somebody and not have to listen to anything else they say. I'm sure the man who started all this, CB, is dancing with glee right now. I save his life and send him a card to encouarge him, and this is how he repays me. God, but the world is screwed up.

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