Sunday, March 27, 2005

The Love of God

My heart is full of praise for Him this Easter day. I have spent the last week immersing myself in the Easter story, walking though the story just as the people did 2,000 years ago. My heart could not contain the joy I felt at the end of the service today as we sang the traditional Easter humn for our closing hymn, "Christ the Lord is Risen Today."

One truth I have discovered that has helped me when I am tired, or physically hurting, or feeling betrayed, or anything, is to realize the Jesus really understands in the way the goddess didn't - couldn't. Jesus is God in the flesh. He knows what it is to be tired (He fell asleep in a boat on a stormy sea - you have to be pretty tired to do that!), He knows physical pain, He knows betrayal. He understands me. This is such a huge thing to me to realize that I worship a God who truly understands what I am going through! The goddess could never claim that, and for that reason she seemed remote. She didn't understand what I was going through, not deep down. But this God does know - deep down - what I go through. Sure the Greek gods would take human form from time to time, but only to get what they wanted. In contrast, Jesus experienced all the joys and sorrows that come with being human. My God understands me in a way no other god ever could.

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