Sunday, March 13, 2005

Speaking at church, and assignment due

I'm speaking at church this coming Saturday (6 days!) and I am so not ready. I haven't even been able to read through my notes once, never mind enough time to do my testimony well. Last night I BEGAN reading through the notes on my way home from the movies. Could use some prayers for more time to work on the actual speaking part (the notes I have from 1997 are fine for the outline).

I'm also starting to feel the crush of my devotions assignment coming due in a couple weeks. I made my first real attempt at actually WRITING them today now that the outlining is done. However, it doesn't take more than 4 or 5 devotions before my brain is fried and I need a break.

I could use prayers that my testimony will come off well, and that the devotions will be finished before the deadline.

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