Tuesday, March 01, 2005

No Longer "Overweight"!, take 2

And from another forum where I said the same thing in different words:
For someone my height (5'7"), the highest "healthy weight" is 159. For days I've been hovering at 160-161 - very frustrating. Anyway, as of today, March 1, 2005, I have crossed that line and weighed in at 158.7! :) I am now officially in the healthy weight range for my height! :o)

I still have a ways to go, but I'm getting there!

I'm ecstatic, floored, proud, pleased as punch, and tickled pink. :)

Check out my diet graph. The green line is where I started in the obese range; the red line is where I am. As you can see, it's finally dipped below the "healthy weight" line! :)


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