Friday, June 13, 2003

Friday the 13th

Today is Friday the 13th! :-D

Well, I'll was able to get ahpold of the receptionist at the doctor yesterday, and she said they can see me on Tuesday at 2:15. Jon said that's cool as long as we're back by 3:30. It'll be tight, but we can do it. I already feel better being on 100mg rather than 75. That extra 25 makes a big difference. But then, halving my medication suddenly probably would be rough on my body, especially on the days I only got 50mg - 1/3 of my normal dose.

Our staff dinner was at El Torito last night. Since it happened during my shift, Michael Wood filled in for me and I got paid to go to dinner. (c: I stuffed myself with Mexican food - I wasn't even hungry when I got home from work last night. I took some as a doggie bag and that will be dinner tonight.

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