Sunday, June 22, 2003

The Rocky Path

I've had a night to think about yesterday, and I am deeply disturbed by it. To believe Rocky Peterson, one would have to believe that pretty much every person in the world, including just about every Christian, has several demons each.

Even more disturbing that pastor gave this guy the pulpit. What kind of church am I in anyway? I think I need to talk to Pastor Steve. It probably won't do any good, them being friends and all, but I think it needs to be said by somebody.

As Brian so aptly put it on EW: Look at the NT -- Paul doesn't waste time telling people to seek out the particular demon of hatred, adultery, oppression, whatever. These things are caused by the FLESH, not by demons. Sure, demons can TEMPT you toward them, but it's the flesh that holds you in 'em.

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