Thursday, June 19, 2003

Unlucky 13

Went to the dr. yesterday to get a new prescription - I have gained 13 pds. since my last appointment 6 months ago! That's what...a pound every other week?!


What am I going to do? I'm over 200 pounds now. :...( I was always a very respectable 170-175...stayed there for many years...a tad overweight, but as long as I was stable, I decided that I'd like myself that way. And I did. I became comfortable with my body.

And then Zoloft came along and it was a miracle drug and lifted my depression....I felt normal again. But to gain...what...about 30 pounds, almost half of that in the last 6 months alone? That is depressing.

I also have to see a podiatrist...the dr. said it is an infection under the nail..she said it's so misformed it may just have to be removed. Will make an appointment with that dr. tomorrow (he's already gone today). I want to be able to wear sandels again! It doesn't just looks real bad. I'm not afraid to have the nail removed. It sounds like a fairly simple procedure.

Also gave me some samples of Zyrtec for alergies, and a 'script to fill if it works for me. She tried to give me Alegra, but I said I'd tried some a co-worker gave me and it did nothing. It might as well have been a sugar pill. I only get alergies occationally, so I don't want to have to take something daily. I've been using OTC stuff, but one time it took three pills to knock out my alergies, and in the process it knocked out me. As in...asleep at work.

Got my Zoloft 'script into Canada today, so 3-4 weeks before my pills arrive. She had no samples to give me, so I'll just keep taking 100mg in the meantime to stretch out what I have. Life sucked on 75. It's amazing what that extra 25 does for my outlook. So perhaps in a month I can go back to the 150 I'm supposed to take.

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