Friday, April 12, 1996

Went to do a journal entry last night and found my journal missing! A frantic search turned up nothing. I thought back on my day and figured I must have left it in either the Old Administration building computer lab (probably), or on the bus (less likely). It was too late to call the lab, so I had to wait 'til morning.

I prayed about it (to Jehovah) (gasp!). It made me feel a bit better. To show I still had faith (even with these weird things happening) I pulled out my Bible and started where I left off in Acts. I got so absorbed in Paul's travails that pretty soon I'd finished the book! I am now ready to start in on Romans.

I called the computer lab this morning. They said they had my notebook, so I came down straight away to pick it up. (My Humanism and Mysticism class was not held today. The teacher told us Wednesday that there'd be no class today, so I wasn't planning on showing up until late [I have to work later].)

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