Monday, September 27, 2004

Getting Attacked in Cyberspace

I've been attacked on the Depression board (enter as a Guest) by a person named Mike, online name of XBipolar. I gagged him last week for posting political scree that had nothing to do with depression, Nancy said he could rant in the Rants folder, so I had to ungag him. His first act was to attack me.

Lunnah, one of our new mods, says that his actions and writings are those of someone in a manic episode. Nancy said he could say anything he wanted (even attacking another mod!); he just had to keep it in the Rants folder. Lunnah and I both find this unacceptable, but what can we do? We are just peons. The day the owner of a board finds it acceptable to let others make personal attacks on moderators...what is this world coming to? Kyrie eleison! Judging from the complete incomprehensibility of his message, manic seems about right. XBipolar my butt! Quite bipolar! Gotta love people who think they don't need their meds anymore and proclaim themselves cured! :-p There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Alright, I need to get to bed if I want to make it to the gym in the morning!

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