Saturday, August 30, 2003

Abby, Still Wild

God, this hurts. I'm on my second glass of wine because I feel so bad. I managed to get Abby in the cage for the trip tomorrow. I have a bed, litterbox, and food already in there. She is busy trying to get out and pulling (hard!) at the cage bars with her claws. She is also meowing mournfully. She is so scared and unhappy. I feel terrible. *I* know it's for the best, but she doesn't realize that.

Pray I get her there safely and that she doesn't find a way to get free.

Here's a page with old pics of her back when she was still known as "Momma."

And here's the cage she's in. It's large because I can't handle her to put her in the carrier. She is still very much wild. The setup of the cage is different. The setup in this picture is for a small kitten. The cage no longer has the ramps, the two perches are together,and the hammock was removed.
I got her into the cage by feeding her all her meals there, and then just closing the door on her.

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