Thursday, June 23, 2005


This is the first reading I got on my new scale - my first scale! :-) That's right, I finally joined the number of Americans that own a bathroom scale. I prefer the one at the gym, but I want to be able to weigh myself every day and track my weight that way. Right now I can only track my weight on the days I go to the gym.

Anyway, official gym weight today was 152 even. By the time I used the Weight Watchers' scale I'd worked out, drank some water, eaten half a meal bar, and was wearing heavier clothes.

The scale I bought is from Weight Watchers, model WW10R. The only difference between my scale and the picture in the link is that my scale has a little button beneath the weight display so that you can save your weight into memory.

1 comment:

Richard said...

So you'll know -- my topic is FAT in thw Blog of Columbus today. My own, that is. But I linked to your blog, and mentioned it a little.

Glad you're feeling sexy! But be careful out there....:-->