Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Conference Journal, Day 2

This is my journal for Monday, August 8.

The day started with breakfast. Then there was Dr. Paul Manuel's Bible study. This was in the "ballroom" and thankfully air conditioned. Usually these things are held in the chapel, but not this year.

The Bible studies this week are on the book of Romans, Dr. Paul is taking a five month study he did with his church and turning it into a five day study for all of us.

After that was uninteresting business so I went looking for the track. I finally found the phys. ed. center and found the track inside, on the second floor, locked. I discovered it doesn't open until 11 a.m. each day. There goes my idea for morning excercise.

Just before we broke for committee meetings they had a couple last announcements. First, that due to the warm weather, worship would be in the ballroom rather than the chapel. Second, John Conrod died yesterday evening. I never met him, but he helped me moderate my Sabbath Keepers' forum. He had MS so it's good for him, but sad for me.

Then we broke for committee meetings. I'm in the Christian Education committee this year because Jane drafted me to be her secretary (she is leading it). We only had a half hour to get started before lunch.

After lunch, Andrew made the annual presentation for the Board of Christian Education. I thought I should attend since it is my interest committee this year.

Then back to our committees. These let out at 4 which gave me a chance to go to the phys. ed. building. I did 10 laps for a total of one mile, then quickly changed for dinner and evening worship in the air conditioned ballroom. Coffee and cake during the following fellowship time capped off the day.

These is so much walking every day. Every meeting or event is in a different place and there is so much back and forth. Never mind extra excercise; just the normal walking you do in the course of the day will keep the pounds off.

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