Sunday, December 25, 2005

Excuse me while I scream

Well this has been a sucky Christmas day.

So I arrive at Doug and Jane's house yesterday. Within a few minutes of arriving my eyes are itching and I'm sniffling and sneezing. Everybody (including me) assumes I'm allergic to something in the house, which is weird because I've been to their house lots of times before. Everything in that house is something I've been exposed to with no problem. Jane gives me her last Claritin tablet, which helps a little. We have wraps for dinner - cheese, meat, and tomatoes for me on a low carb wrap.

I get up this morning still sneezing and sniffling. I try some daytime cold medicines, but none of them can target my main problem - the runny nose.

I stop at Carrow's on my way to work. Who ever heard of a restaurant closing Christmas Day? That's a prime time for people to go out. I don't have the energy to hike over to Denny's, so I decide to make do with what I can scrounge here at work. What a lovely Christmas dinner! :-p

I run across the street to the gas station and get coffee and cold medicine. The cold medicine is working all right, but it has the same effect as the Benadryl, even though I don't see diphenhydramine listed in the ingredients. So now my symptoms are mostly under control, but I can barely stay awake as a type this.

I'm trying to get tomorrow off, or at least partially off, even though it will mean losing 4 hours of overtime pay since I'm slated to work 12 hours.

I am so hating life right now.

Well, Merry Christmas anyway, people.

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