Wednesday, December 14, 2005


This was mentioned in the comments section of the post below by somebody and should be addressed. First, the reason for headcovering comes from 1 Corinthians 11:3-16.

There are four main strains of thought in Christianity regarding headcovering.

1) Christian women should cover all the time. (We are to "pray without ceasing.")
2) Christian women should cover only in church (since the passage refers to a church service).
3) Christian women's covering is their hair.
4) Only married women should cover (since it denotes submission to one's husband).

I tend to fall under option #1 as I am single and cover pretty much all the time. (Not that I am fastidious about it, and perhaps I should be.) I believe the covering denotes submission not just to one's husband, but to any male authority. In my case, that would be my pastor and any man functioning as an elder in my church. This isn't a bad thing, since we are Baptists and tend to be fiercely independent. People generally don't care what you do as long as you aren't blatantly involved in a grievous sin.

I believe the passage refers to two coverings - a natural covering of hair, and a second covering that the woman chooses to put on. Verses 6 and 10 seem to indicate that there is a second covering in addition to the hair.

"If a woman be not covered, let her also be shorn" (v. 6). The use of the word "also" indicates something other than hair. Otherwise it reads, "If a woman be not covered with hair, let her also be shorn." How can she be shorn if she doesn't have any hair to sheer? It only makes sense if it is talking about a second covering. It is saying that if a woman fails to wear a covering, it is as disgraceful as if she shaved her head.

I did some Googling and found the following links about it:
This is a Muslim site, but the person seems to have a fairly good grip on the topic.
John Calvin's commentary on 1 Corinthians 11
Wendy's testimony. Scroll about 1/4 way down past the links. The links are excellent, too! Wendy takes things a step further by only wearing dresses.

[Edit: Here's another post on headcovering.]


Tater said...

Well, read your comments and post (you really didn't have to go to that much trouble, but thanks). Seems to me Christians wear headcovers as a statement of faith (I follow the Bible), were as Muslims wear it as a statement of morality (only sluts go out w/o an abya on). Both valid to a degree, as long as those view aren't forced on others (spend some time in Saudi Arabia and you'll know what I mean)!


Anonymous said...

I have the view also that a husband is a covering of the Wife. Representing Christ covering the Church He redeemed, His eternal Bride and Wife. So should a man so love His wife as Christ loved the Church. Biiiiiig Command for Husbands.

Gina said...

We had a pretty thorough discussion of this at The Ooze a while back, link here. I even mention you in there, Victoria. ;)

Unknown said...

It's not a problem, Tater. It gave me something to blog about and a good topic at that. Besides, it makes me think.

I don't push it on anyone. That would not go over. It's a quiet statement of what I believe when I wear it.