Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Gift card!

We had our annual staff dinner for my department at Applebee's tonight. Jon outlined some of the stuff that happened the past year, including current and future changes. I wish I would have had a notebook. I've had a hard time keeping up with all the changes lately.

I ordered an Atkins-freindly dinner, subbing the potatos for a second helping of veggies, and giving Brad my garlic bread.

At the end of the dinner, Jon (our direct supervisor) did something he has never done before. He handed little pouch gifts to each of us. When we opened them we found Starbucks gift cards! He had neglected to write in the amount of the card on the enclosed gift tag, so we asked him. He said $15. :-D I have never gotten any kind of bonus working here before. This is so cool!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First Bonus of this type ever from FR Network Operations anyway.=-)

Was really a nice gesture and Rick Prime was really good to bring it about. He is the one authorizing such. Don't know how it came about but, I really like it. They know us Ops. here though. Starbucks is one of the fuels of our network operations...=-D Forget oil or money or
vehicles. If you took away the United States coffee,it might truly colapse. Stress I think would be very strong and all things are maintained by coffee.

Just think! No coffee or ability to obtain it....scary..:=O!!