Monday, December 26, 2005

How Christmas went...

A little more detail about my time at Doug and Jane's. Dinner Christmas Eve was sandwich stuff. Jane had regular and low carb tortillas and we loaded them up with mayo and roast beef and cheese and I had tomatoes, too. I had two large ones. Yum!

The next morning I had about a cup of egg nog (about 50g carbs - yikes!) and everyone had breakfast together - scrambled eggs mixed with sausage and bell peppers. Atkins-friendly and yummy. I had one bite of Jane's muffin to get the taste without all the carbs.

Then we opened presents. I had three presents from Doug and Jane, but only the skirt fit. The white hoody was too tight under the armpits, and I already have the Atkins For Life kit, though I really appreciate the thought. If I didn't have it I would have been thrilled.

On my way to work I stopped at Carrow's and they were closed, so I got no special dinner. Today I want my special dinner instead of the lunch I brought. But I will be good.

I'm wearing the skirt Jane gave me today. I left the other two items with her, and I forgot my stocking that had several little things. She had even put sugar free candy in mine instead of regular!

Still planning Christmas at home tomorrow morning.

Oh, speaking of home, the two bowls of cat food were completely empty when I got home last night. I was only gone 36 hours! What a couple chow hounds I have!

I gave the kitties Trader Joe's "Tuna For Cats" last night as a little treat. Their Christmas treat of tuna will be tomorrow when I open my prezzies.

My Vicki box still isn't here. I guess I was the one to get the box that was held up by weather and will be arriving at work tomorrow, while I'm home celebrating. Bleh. Oh well. Who cares?

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