From the Shrinking Goddess Web site. This one fits me better than the first list I posted.
Suspect you may be a hardcore low-carber? Worried because your friends have started calling you, "Dr. Atkins, Jr."? Compare your story to these symptoms to see if it's hopeless or not!
That’s right, you too might be a hardcore low-carber if...
1) You look at any food item and think, "Hmmm. I wonder how that would taste with a couple packets of Splenda on it?"
2) You think "Mock Danish" is a major food group.
3) You tell all the newbies to watch out for the low carb treat items, but you get ‘em yourself sometimes. (OK, well maybe that’s just me!)
4) You read labels for EVERYTHING. Even stuff you have no intention of buying or eating, because you’re curious.
5) You shop in thrift stores to maximize your clothing budget.
6) You sometimes buy clothing items in a size smaller than you wear, because, well, you will wear it. [I have personally done this one many times!]
7) You have a clue what nitrates, transfats, and the glycemic index is.
You refer to dropping your weight into the next lower 10-pound range "hitting a new decade."
8) You’ve heard of "the whoosh fairy" and you court her shamelessly.
9) The appliance that consumes the most water in your house is YOU!
10) You have enough supplements in your cabinet to open a mail-order health food store. [OMG! Yes!]
11) You know what each of your supplements do.
12) People ask you routinely about the carb counts in various foods...and you know. You have become a walking carb counter.
13) Your ears perk up every time you hear "low carb" on TV commercials.
14) A few apple slices tastes like a decadent dessert. (You’d never eat the whole apple, ‘cause that’s like 20 carbs!)
15) You’ve built muscles lifting your water jug all day, every day.
16) People stop telling you about how "dangerous" low-carb is and start asking you for advice.
17) At least two people have started eating low-carb because of your success.
18) You’re not interested in all the foods you used to live off of. All that sugar just sounds yuck!
19) Overdoing carbs makes you feel bloated, sluggish and depressed now. [SO TRUE!]
20) You’ve given the advice, "Get the book, get the book, get the book!!" before.
21) You read labels for EVERYTHING. Even stuff you have no intention of buying or eating, because you’re curious. [OMG! I do this ALL THE TIME!]
22) You’ve given the advice, "Get the book, get the book, get the book!!" before.
23) You laugh at people who tell you that you need to "quit losing so much weight." Because you know that you’ll stop when you’re good and ready and not a second before.
24) Somebody refers to you as "small" or "little" and you’re so excited, you hardly hear the rest of the comment!
25) You’re militant about eating low carb and know that you’d eat that way even if you didn’t need to lose weight. In fact, you’ll continue after the weight is gone, because you feel so damned good!
26) You’ve used the phrase, "If I can do it, I know you can, too!"
27) You’ve posted before, during/after pictures anyplace. [Several places!]
28) You just snort when somebody talks about all that "unhealthy fat" in foods.
29) You demand that people who haven’t seen you for a long time comment on your weight. (OK, well, maybe this one is just me again, too.)
30) Your read lists of the signs of being a hardcore low-carber.
Technorati tagged: atkins, diet, atkins diet, low carb, weight loss, obesity, obese, overweight, fat, South Beach Diet
One more: You shake your head and roll your eyes when you see ads on TV for "healthy", low fat, high carb, highly processed "food".
Funny, great stuff I was searching for a hard core approach to low carb as I feel I am sliding, but this made me laugh.
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