Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Baby got shoes

Calories eaten yesterday: 1956
Fat: 89g (43%)
Carbs: 55g (12%)
Protein: 169g (36%)

Calories burned in exercise today: 0

No exercise at all today. Bleh. I'll have a hard time making my step goal. I went grocery shopping, then spent all my "free" time at home washing the veggies I bought and cooking the rest of the meat I bought last week.

Then Eleanor came over, took back the "owl" b-day present that I had no use for, and gave me a new gift - a nice wallet. I moved all the stuff over from my other wallet so I could start using it right away. Then she drove me to work.

We were a little early so I asked her to stop at Payless Shoes. My feet have started to hurt wearing my old shoes (a familiar pain), so putting off a new pair was no longer an option, even though I don't really have the money. I found a decent pair of running shoes. They said it was "buy one get one half off" so I had to get two pair. :) Total came to about $40. That's $20 a pair - sweet! I'll break in one pair tomorrow when I go to the gym. :)

Now all I need for Bay To Breakers is some carbohydrate gel packs to keep me energized during the race. These carb gels actually taste decent, unlike that horrible orange stuff I used two years ago. :-p I can get them at GNC. This is the one time a year I eat pure carbohydrate. What can I say? While low-carb is fine for everyday life, I can't run a 12k (7.5 mile) race on it.

Still a bit sore today from two days of hard weight workouts. Hopefully I can hit the weights hard again tomorrow. Work it, baby! Supersmurf on the bodybuilding board said I might be undoing a lot of the good from the weight lifting by doing cardio after, so I'm thinking of cutting out the 20 minutes of walking and just doing a half hour of cardio. The best would be to do weights and cardio on different days, but I can't get to the gym often enough to do that. For example, I'm only going to make it to the gym once next week. I'm busy every other day.

I could also do the cardio before the weights, though I am loathe to because it really detracts from my performance on the weights.

I'm closing in on 2 million steps on Walker Tracker! It's so close I can taste it!

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Meme From Adanville said...

Wow, congrats...seems your doing well losing weight.

Anonymous said...

V, I noticed your kitty clock.
Really nice! Abby style. Is there one like Xena?