Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My workout anniversary!

Calories eaten yesterday: 1348
Fat: 24g (16%)
Carbs: 140g (42%)
Protein: 139g (42%)
Weight this morning: 130.8 (One week ago: 131.6)
Calories burned in exercise today: 313

Today is my four year anniversary of my very first workout at Curves! That was also 70 pounds ago! :D Yay me!

The best way to celebrate my workout anniversary is, of course, to workout! So I went to the gym and did lower body today and some core. Like yesterday, every exercise was strained. I'm not back in my groove yet and every exercise feels like the first time.

I tried jogging very slowly on the treadmill, but I only lasted 5 minutes before slowing down to a walk for the remaining 25 minutes - 1.9 miles total. I proceeded to have a coughing attack on the train on the way to work. I guess that's my body's way of telling me not to run yet. Deep breathing=coughing, which hinders both weights and cardio.

I walked to work from BART - another 30 minutes and 1.5 miles.

I'm hoping to go to the gym tomorrow and do upper body again. My neck and shoulders are still hurting from my coughing. I need to see the chiropractor when I get the money.

I've hit a groove with breakfast. (Ok, this was a while ago, but it needs to be written down.) I was doing eggs and cottage cheese every day (for the protein), but I have found a couple other high protein breakfasts - cottage cheese or Greek yogurt with whey powder. I still have a bunch of NS eggs I ordered that I'll go through slowly.

I also found a low-carb pancake mix made with wheat gluten instead of soy flour. Soy flour does not play well with my digestive system, but wheat gluten is no problem for me, so I have an alternative to NS pancakes. :) I feel I have a pretty good grip on doing all my meals "on my own" and not having to order NS foods anymore. :)

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Amy Dungan said...

Happy Exercise Anniversary! :0)

Arthur_of_Old said...

Happy Anniversary! Slimmita! =-)