Thursday, February 07, 2008

Week 47, Day 5

Calories eaten yesterday: 1197
Fat: 33g (25%)
Carbs: 114g (39%)
Protein: 100g (34%)
Weight this morning: 132.2 (One week ago: 134.8)
Calories burned in exercise today: 414

I've been really good with food lately and am finally starting to see the holiday weight come off. Feeling good about the scale right now. I gained 3-4 pounds over the holidays and am still trying to get back. I hit goal, then promptly ate myself out of it. :-p

Went to the gym today - did an hour of weight training on whatever body part I felt like. Due to the elections and Ash Wednesday I only got to the gym twice this week.

Cardio was running on the treadmill for 30 minutes at 5 mph - 2.5 miles. Lisa shared her cold with me or I could have run faster. Then I walked to work from the train station (another 30 minutes).

Weekend plans:
Take a long walk along the Marina with Brad tomorrow as long as I am not too sick. We found a trail that goes on forever and ended up walking for 2 1/2 hours last week! I'm sick so the blood donation schedule for tomorrow is now rescheduled for next Friday.

Saturday - church and rest.

Sunday - Back to the gym for upper body and cardio.

Here's my Ash Wednesday photo from yesterday. Click it to enlarge.

(Week 12) Day 79/366 - Ritual

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1 comment:

K-Fab said...

Hi there !! Stumbled across your blog (via Flickr) while creating my own "Nutri System" blog to keep me entertained while I eat food out of boxes for while ... Just wanted to say hello and that you look GREAT ! Congratulations on your weight loss and keep up the good work !!