Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Voting Day

Calories eaten yesterday: 1458
Fat: 25g (16%)
Carbs: 151g (44%)
Protein: 134g (39%)
Weight this morning: 135 (One week ago: 135.6)
Calories burned in exercise today: 158

Today was voting day so no gym. However, voting went really fast. I was in and out in about 5 minutes!

I walked over the hill to my polling place and back - about 20 minutes round trip. When I got home I bounced on my rebounder (mini trampoline) for 30 minutes to make up for not going to the gym. Then I left for work and walked from the BART station to work (30 minutes).

Tomorrow my only exercise will be walking the last 1.5 miles to work because it is Ash Wednesday so I'll be in church. I'll get back to the gym on Thursday, and then Friday Brad and I are doing only a short walk because I am giving blood and am always weak after.

Here's a couple photos I took today dealing with voting.

my polling place
Day 78/366 - Did you vote today?

me with my voting sticker
Did you vote?

In case anyone wants to know, here's how I voted:
President: Mike Huccabee; my second choice would be Ron Paul
Prop. 91 - Transportation funds: I think I voted yes.
Prop. 92 - Limits communitee college fee increases: NO
Prop. 93 - Term limits: YES
Props. 94-97 - Expansion on Indian gaming (casinos): YES on all

County measures:
Measure A - New parcel tax for Children's Hospital: NO
Measure B - Another new parcel tax for Children's Hospital: NO
Measure G - Continue Education parcel tax: YES

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1 comment:

Arthur_of_Old said...

Keep on going. I voted yesterday and the results were interesting. Weight loss, like politics is up and down.
Results, however are never certain or permanent. The only thing that totally tacitly is certain, is uncertainty. =-)