Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Today's workout, and a rant about body fat

Calories eaten yesterday: 1356
Fat: 30g (21%)
Carbs: 113g (35%)
Protein: 139g (43%)
Weight this morning: 132.8 (One week ago: 130.8)
Calories burned in exercise today: 443

1 hour of lower body and core. I'm enjoying lower body more than I used to since I've seen improvement. I did walking lunges, leg extension, ball wall sit, toe touches, leg raises (laying on side), standing calf raise, and inverted leg press. Core was ball sit-ups, Captain's Chair leg raises, uneven push-ups, and plank with leg raise. I like the walking lunges, but I struggle with balance issues.

30 minutes of running on the treadmill at 5.2 mph - 2.63 miles. Whew! Then I has my protein and carb snack on the train, and walked from the train station to work (1.5 miles, 30 minutes). I'm really enjoying the running and it alone burned 229 calories! :)

Feeling pretty good. Trying not to get sick or get a cold sore so I can finally give blood this Friday.

I got an e-mail today from a lady I know saying that because my periods have stopped I am likely "overly lean." She's knows I have 26% body fat, but she seems to think this is too low. She told me I should see a nutritionist (you know - those people who say we need to stuff our face with carbs). This was my reply to her:

Thank you for your concern, but I have studied this and know what I am doing.

I'm in "normal" range for body fat, but not "fit" range. 26% body fat is PLENTY for periods. Women have to go into the 10% range (or lower) before lack of body fat effects periods. And I didn't have periods when I gained 17 pounds and got overweight again. I am nowhere near "overly lean." It's just that being overweight is now considered "normal weight" so a normal weight person is thought to be "overly lean."

Here's the Met Life tables:
and another site that helps you calculate a good weight:

Met Life recommends 133-147 for me, but I know I feel my best under 140. The second site recommends 133-134 for me.

As for nutritionists, I personally know a dietitian and I wouldn't trust her farther than I could throw her. I read books about nutrition written by MDs. Much better info.

Honestly, with overweight being considered "normal," anybody of normal weight is thought to be too thin. People have forgotten what "normal" really is. The "average" woman is a size 12. If you wear a smaller size you become "overly lean." [rolls eyes]

My lack of periods is a mystery to me, but has nothing to do with my percentage of body fat.

Ok, that's my rant for the day.

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