Thursday, February 12, 2009

Weekend plans

Weight this morning: n/a (One week ago: 131.2)
Calories burned in exercise today: 219

No food stats today since I had a mini binge yesterday. After I posted what I'd eaten I went on to have a couple of peanut butter sandwiches (I even found some sugar-free jelly), and then pretty much totally pig out at home (although the food was healthy, there was way too much). I feel fat and bloated today.

Today I did laundry and called Brad to find out about L. She will be in tonight so I don't have to stay until 3. So tomorrow I will be able to get up early enough to buy groceries and then Brad and I will have to hit WalMart. We also need to hit his Safeway and Petco at the shopping center sometime this weekend.

I bought tickets for Saturday night's showing of Coraline from Fandango. I'm not taking any chances of them being sold out since it just came out last week and Saturday is Valentine's Day. It seems to be getting good ratings, so it should be a good movie.

Today's exercise was walking to the laundromat and back, then down to BART. I stopped at Payless and bought a pair of running shoes and a pair of walking shoes since they just started having a sale (right after I bought two pairs of running shoes!). I took the bus through Alameda to save BART fare since I am using a monthly bus pass at the moment. I got off the bus just past the airport and walked the last 10 minutes into work.

No more baby carrots for my mid-afternoon snack, even if they are on sale! They are really pushing my carbs high. I think I will do cucumbers next week - very low in carbs and calories.

I tried to include a recent comments section in the sidebar yesterday, but it is not showing up on my Mac at home. I even tried three different browsers. So I got rid of it.

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Anonymous said...

I just found your blog. I am re-starting Atkins today. I notice you are struggling to purchase groceries (as am I) ao I think I can relate to your blog. I also noticed that you are going to get Alli. Have you used it before ? What are you thoughts on it ? I have seen it advertised, but I don't know anyone who has used it.

Unknown said...

Alli just basically blocks some of the fat you eat. I like it and can see the result in the toilet and figure I'd rather have the fat go there than on my hips. ;) Do carry a spare pair of underwear just in case, but I have only had a couple of accidents and only after I eat way more fat than I should.

I generally eat low-fat now to keep my calories under control, so I only use Alli on days I get more than the 30 minimum grams of fat needed for good health. Atkins is a great program and I think Alli can be an "ally" on a high fat program. ;)