Tuesday, September 11, 2007


9-11 circle heartunafraid

I can't begin to put my thoughts on 9-11 together this year, so I will just repost what I write last year. I still feel the same way, even on this 6th anniversary of the attacks.

Today is the 5th anniversary of 9-11. If you are like me, you know exactly where you were when you heard the news. (I was in bed listening to the radio.) Where were you? Leave a comment.

9-11 split history down the middle - before and after. The '89 earthquake didn't do that. Five years later and I barely noticed that anniversary. But this was different. This was so completely foreign to my experiences. When I was a child and terrorists took over planes, they had the pilots land, and they would negotiate for the lives of the people on board. Sometimes a few died; sometimes all survived. But no terrorist took flying lessons to fly the planes into buildings, purposely killing themselves and all on board. It's indeed a new era we live in, and we've all settled into the "new normal." Now, everytime I see a plane in the sky I say a quick prayer of protection for America and her allies.

Let's purpose to never forget the lives lost. Never before. Never again.

God bless you, my beloved country. I am proud to be an American!

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