Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Week 52, Day 4

Calories eaten yesterday: 1359
Fat: 26g (18%)
Carbs: 122g (37%)
Protein: 152g (46%)
Weight this morning: 131 (One week ago: 130.4)
Calories burned in exercise today: 469

Strength: One hour of upper body stuff today. Once again - like yesterday - I went to the heaviest (495 lb.) weight on the standing calf raise (yay me again!). Got in some core work, too, and did 3 sets of 10 men's push-ups. That felt good.

Cardio: I'm tired today so I ran at mostly just 5.2 mph on the treadmill, with short periods as high as 6.0. Covered 2.68 miles.

Walked to work from BART, stopping for groceries on the way so my 30 minute walk took 40 (tired plus carrying a bunch of groceries). At least I have some food for the next week. I'm tired of zucchini and cucumbers and am going to go for more of a raw veggie mix of broccoli, cauliflower, and baby carrots.

Laundry tonight so I'm sleeping in tomorrow. I'm pretty wiped out and need to rest up for Brad and I's walk on Friday. My legs and butt are sore and trying to work out tomorrow would, I can tell, be a mistake.

I'm formulating a plan for Palm Sunday and Easter. Since the church I'll attend is so close to my health club I could leave right after services and swing by for a quick weight session. Service should be out about 12 or 12:30. If it's 12 I could be at the health club by 12:30 and do some weights. Depends how long the services go. I'm hoping it's just 10:30 to noon.

Speaking of Easter, I'll be posting my annual "Walking With the Master" series, following Jesus' footsteps - chronologically - through His last week. We'll probably be doing Matthew, pulling in the other Gospels as needed.

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Arthur_of_Old said...

The pudgy avatar certainly does NOT REFLECT the you of today Victoria.=-) You have reached the upper end of the 120s. Not an easy feat from your beginning weight. I, for one see that you are svelte, lithe and trim. No, again, no pudginess on the core or the extremities. You have nearly perfectly managed your diet.

Most that come to this blog see the truth of your great achievement. You're just in yo-yo maintenance, up a little, down a little. The place where many of those who have achieved their goals stay, then, there are those out there who long for that day. Painful longing for some. They want to be where you are, so enjoy your achievement. You've earned it.

BornSquishy said...

Congrats on your progress!