Saturday, May 21, 2005

Cruise Blues, take 2

Ok, I have an appointment at the passport agency in San Francisco. But since even a really expidited passport takes 3 days, and I am leaving the morning of day 3, I doubt it will help.

The people at church prayed for me because I knew there was an old expired California ID in my closet. It might help to have that. Anyway, they prayed God would float it to the top of wherever it was hiding, like He did with the ax head in the Old Testament, and I went searching for it this afternoon. I found it! My social security card was with it, too, and a second certified copy of my birth certificate. My plan is to try to pass off the ID as a current ID; if someone catches it, I'll produce the receipt from the DVM. I know this will work at the airport because I did it last year (out of 4 total flights, only 1 person caught that it was expired and with the receipt they allowed me through). So pray that this will work and I'll be able to get on the ship!

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