Thursday, January 04, 2007


144.4 - that's my weight this morning and as close to a starting weight for 2007 as I'm going to get. My ending weight in December (Dec. 29) was 144.2, so pretty close in weight.

Here's yesterday's food stats:

Calories eaten yesterday: 1252
Fat: 66g (50%)
Carbs: 40g (13%)
Protein: 72g (24%)
Calories burned in exercise: 0

Still sick today, but as always, better than yesterday. I'm a bit tired because I got up at my normal time this morning. I had to grocery shop so no sleeping in. Because of this I only got my regular 7 1/2 hours of sleep, not the 9+ I need when sick. Oh well, tomorrow's Friday and I can sleep in. I have a chiropractic appointment in the afternoon, and I have to cook something for the church potluck (I'm thinking cauliflower potatoes sounds good), and that's it. :) Brad may come over and we can try making mulled wine.

Since I had to get up early I was able to get a fasting blood sugar reading at my regular time - 92 this morning, and I'm happy with that. That's pretty close to what the lab tests me at. I guess my toe is healing if my blood sugar is coming back down. :)

With the new year comes a small "cost of living" raise. I'm not sure how much the raise is because I don't have an old pay stub with me at the moment, but I know I am getting more. Hence, I had a decent paycheck (though never enough) even though they took $100 out for my Commuter Checks. Now if Dad will send me some money for January I should be able to get by without too much trouble. It's my $700 a month rent that kills me - that's nearly two weeks of pay (take home after taxes). Provided my rent isn't raised, this raise will help a lot.

Communion is coming at church next weekend. I realized I don't have any flour left. I've bugged Jane about it, to no avail. Telling her at church this weekend would be pointless because she couldn't get it to me until the next week. So I e-mailed Pastor Steve. I need the flour this weekend so that I can make the bread by next weekend.

I want to go back to the gym, and wondering if I should maybe do a light workout (weights/walking) on Sunday, or if I should wait longer.

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