Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Nice healthy cold

Calories eaten yesterday: 1312
Fat: 43g (30%)
Carbs: 87g (27%)
Protein: 105g (32%)

Weight this morning: 141.2 (One week ago: 143)
Calories burned in exercise today: 97

A new low this morning! Yay! My previous low was 141.4 last Friday. I'm going to start noting on here whatever I was one week ago as an additional way to track my progress. As you can see above, last Wednesday I was 143 even. My official weigh-in day will remain Sunday.

Still sick and feeling pretty crappy. I slept in and walked to work to get some steps and exercise. Not too hungry at least. That's good.

My second NutriSystem order came today! Photos forthcoming. They included the water bottle I ordered but forget my second free week of food AND my bear. I called them and they said they would send both. While I haven't "officially" lost 10 lbs. yet (to get a bear), I had lost more than 10 when the order was sent and am at more than 10 today. Brad will drop the order off at my apartment when he comes over Friday.

More NutriSystem food reviews:
Almond Biscotti dessert - Tasted okay, but the chocolate one was much better.

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