Monday, July 21, 2008

Thank God for Feliway!

Calories eaten yesterday: 1302
Fat: 30g (20%)
Carbs: 103g (31%)
Protein: 162g (49%)
Weight this morning: 137.6 (One week ago: 134.8)
Calories burned in exercise today: 91

I'm hardly down at all since yesterday. Time to pound the water. I think I also need to lay off the seltzer water. It could be one reason for my recent bloating. Just as much as getting my weight down, I want my tummy flat again. So for now it'll be plain water when I get home instead of bubbly.

I'm happy to report that Xena has made a complete turnaround and I'm able to sleep again! Just 24 hours after putting up the Feliway plug-in, Xena is a different cat. She didn't hiss or growl even once last night. She laid down next to me on the bed and is letting Abby get close to her. Abby is still wary, but that should eventually resolve as long as there are no more incidents.

God bless whoever created this stuff because it works! I got it at the local pet store where the Feliway brand was very expensive so I bought the Nutri-Vet brand because it was cheaper, but it works just as well and has the same active ingredient. I wish I would have had this stuff when I moved Xena to the apartment three days early. It would have helped her greatly.

After the lack of sleep for the past week I slept in today. I'm still not totally caught up on sleep and recovered, but I feel a bit better. My only exercise was walking to work from the train station. I stopped at Starbucks on the way for a large coffee since I'm still a bit draggy.

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1 comment:

Anna said...

You might want to research sorbitol intolerance. It can cause bloating and digestive trouble with as little as 10 gr/daily, which is equal to about 3 pieces of chewing gum.

Try eliminating fake sweetners for a couple of weeks and you might see a dramatic difference!