Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Happy Anniversary, Sweetheart

10 days cheat freeWeight: 144.2
Calories eaten yesterday: 1766
Calories burned: 2102
Calorie deficit/overage: -336
Calories burned in exercise: 259
Fat: 84g (45%)
Net carbs: 51g (12%)
Protein: 139g (33%)

10 days cheat freeToday is Abby's adoption day anniversary, though I didn't know I would be adopting her when I found her. It's been four years. She's fattened up quite a bit (she needed to), and has settled down as much as she ever will. She seems pretty content to be a 100% indoor cat. I think she knows she has the good life. :)

I remember finding her and her kittens, and trapping and putting her in Xena's playpen. She was so freaked out. She jumped all over trying to find a way out. She calmed down after a while and pretty soon her kittens were being placed with her one by one as I trapped them, too.

After I got her fixed she knew where the food was and always came back. I let her run around outside, and sometimes when I came home she'd be waiting for me on the porch. If not, all I had to do was call to her and she'd be there within just a few seconds.

I took the picture above just this morning. All her pictures can be found on her Flickr photo set. They are in chronological order.

Happy anniversary. I love you, sweetheart.

Doing good with my walking. It looks like I'm over 2/3 of the way to my 1 million step goal. I noticed I was at 668,325 steps yesterday. :)

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Lira said...

Such a sweet kitty! She looks very happy.

Anonymous said...

Brad W Says:

Dear Abby,
I have this problem with my ex and she..Ooooohhh waiiit. Different Abby.

Though Abby, I know your advice would always be puuurrrrfect and purrre!
You puuurrrrrrty kiiiitty. Happy Anniversary!!!! I'll get you something if Mommy doesn't mind!!