Weight: 143.8
Calories eaten yesterday: 1601
Calories burned: 1942
Calorie deficit/overage: -341
Calories burned in exercise: 89
Fat: 77g (46%)
Net carbs: 66g (17%)
Protein: 105g (28%)
Up another pound today, but that's okay. I knew my two pound loss was a fluke and that the actual amount was much less.
I'm not sure I should call today as Day 51. I am off and binging, but it is at least on low-carb foods and candy. For example, my double cheeseburger was sans the bun and I passed on the fries, and the candy is sugar free. I ate a ton of macadamia nuts. This is NOT a carb binge at least. I'm just so tired of feeling hungry and deprived and I need a free day to get myself ready for healthy eating again. Over the course of the day (spreading it out lessens the side effects of the sugar alcohols) I ate about 3 bags of sugar free candy. Yep, the whole bag three times over! Yes, I am a fat pig and I'll probably gain a ton of weight. I can already tell I'm retaining water.
And in the middle of this, I want double chocolate muffins!
I'm halting the low-calorie experiment. My body is telling me it won't allow me to continue. So I'm going to start eating a real lunch again next week, but still try to keep the calories down.
Technorati tagged: atkins, diet, atkins diet, low carb, weight loss, obesity, obese, overweight, fat, binge, low calorie
1 comment:
Brad W Says:=-D
You are a smart dieter aside from just being intelligent. As Clint Eastwood said for a man tis true for a woman. Got to know your limits...=-)
As usual, excellant in your execution of your life on the Atkins plus the helps you have added. I have seen here many note your correct analogy and truth. Way to go, again!, Slimmita...
The more we know you the more I and others find to respect,honor & emulate. Rare one ...Thank You!
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