Wednesday, October 25, 2006

More surgery upcoming...

17 days cheat freeWeight: 144
Calories eaten yesterday: 1538
Fat: 75g (45%)
Carbs: 49g (13%)
Protein: 109g (29%)
Calories burned in exercise: 99

I had my appointment with the foot doctor who has been treating the fungal nail infection I have. It's just not getting better very fast and I have decided at my next appointment (December 13) to just have the nail permanently removed. It's the big toe on my left foot. The skin will toughen and can then be painted and everything just like a normal nail. I let it go so long that it will take forever to get better and I just want to get this over with. I had a lot of questions for the doctor. I already talked to the lady here at work that does the health care stuff and she said they would help cover it, so my out-of-pocket cost would be minimal. It will be cheaper all around to not have to keep seeing the doctor every other month. The only part I'm scared of is the injection to numb the area. Pretty painful from what I've read.

My oral surgery, part 1, is tomorrow. Pray for me. I'm taking the day off so I probably won't be posting.

Walked over 15,000 steps yesterday. My average has been about 12,000 a day.

Click to enlarge.

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Daron said...

I'm about 10 weeks into my low-carb diet and have lost about 45 pounds. I too have a similar blog. I've been posting my experiments with low-carb cooking. Check me out at:

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I prayed for you yesterday and today. Sorry about your toe...=-(

But I'll help you any way I can....Just let me know.

If you need anything today remember what I said. Leave a message and I will do it. Lord Willing....

Keep smiling! I'll certainly appreciate your smile when this is done. After this it'll be a real testimony of survial like never before! =-D
Love ya and waiting for you command
your Majesty....=-P
You Loyal Royal Steward BW

Cindy Moore said...

I've had both my toenails removed...both big toes. One was for a malformation, the other for fungus. It's really not bad, just the numbing part, then there's no pain. I don't remember afterwards, if I needed "pain meds" or just aspirin/tylenol, but I do remember it wasn't bad at all. I had both done at once, so stayed home from work for a few days....then I remember having to wear sandals for several weeks...but mine were done in the summer.

Good luck on both the toe and the oral surgery!