Sunday, October 15, 2006

McDonald's cares about you

7 days cheat freeCalories eaten Friday: 1574
Calories burned: 2030
Calorie deficit/overage: -421
Calories burned in exercise: 201
Fat: 75g (45%)
Net carbs: 50g (14%)
Protein: 106g (29%)

Went walking around the lake Friday (took 1 hour), did nothing Saturday, and then went back to the gym today. I did 45 minutes of weights, 25 on the treadclimber, and only 5 minutes walking on the treadmill because I ran out of time. It's the first time in over a week that I've done weight training. Since I did weights today, tomorrow will just be straight cardio. Hopefully I can get a few more steps. My step count at the gym today was pretty abysmal because I got there so late and still spent the same amount of time on weight training.

One week ago today I cheated BIG and have been cheat free for 7 days now. Hopefully being good the next couple of days will result in a good weigh-in Tuesday.

Speaking of which, I tore the following from my McDonald's tray liner that day. On the back of the liner where the nutritional information is listed is this note:

Jump-start your fitness plan.
A note from Bob Greene..."What's better than making a commitment to improve your health? Getting you whole family involved! When you include more physical activity into your family's life, not only are you improving everyone's health and teaching good habits, you have fun and spend quality time together.

So far, so good, right? This is stuff everyone can get behind. But he continues:

McDonald's truly cares about you and your well-being. That's why I'm proud to be involved with them.

--Bob Greene, Oprah's Personal Trainer and Exercise Physiologist

Say what? McDonald's cares about me and my well-being? Let's have a show of hands. How many people believe that? Hmmm...seems no one does. Seriously...a McGriddle sandwich will run you about 450 calories, with the majority from fat and simple carbs. How can that be caring for my health? It's a heart attack waiting to happen. It's the unhealthy combination of high carbs and high fat.

I cheat at McDonald's because it tastes great precisely because it's so totally unhealthy. Cheating isn't supposed to be healthy. McDonald's will care about my well-being when hell freezes over. They just want me to keep spending my money there so they can rake in the dough. Their crap tastes great, but don't insult my intelligence by telling me they care about me, Mr. Greene. Grrr...

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Anonymous said...

I can't believe that Bob Greene. I wonder how much they paid him.

Looking Good, gal. Keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

Have you seen the commercial with the little girl dressing up? Voice over of mom saing it's not as important "what goes on the belly as what goes in it"....then they show the kid at MacD's having chicken nuggets (fried) dipping them into sauce (sugar) and apple slices (good) dipping them into caramel (sugar) and 1% milk! Meanwhile mom has a salad. I'm sure the salad has fat free dressing!!!

Oh yea....that's really good for the kid. Trans-fats and sugar!!! Yummy yummy!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow. I can't believe somebody actually thinks McDonald's food tastes good. I have sworn off McDonalds almost entirely based on taste alone. It's AWFUL! If I have to eat fast food anymore, I'll go anywhere else but there.