Monday, November 13, 2006

Back on the wagon

2 days cheat freeCalories eaten yesterday: 1408
Fat: 64g (43%)
Carbs: 44g (13%)
Protein: 100g (30%)
Calories burned in exercise: 101

After pigging out over the weekend I got back on track yesterday and cut my calories as low as could really be expected. Tomorrow is my official weigh-in day and I know I'll be up, but that's okay. I just need to stay strict from here on out.

I'm not looking forward to Thanksgiving because even if by some miracle I manage to stick to only low-carb foods for the five days I'm gone, I will still be eating too many carbs and calories for my metabolism to handle. And there's no guarantee that my sister doesn't have every minute planned, leaving me not knowing when I'll be able to cook other than Thanksgiving day itself.

It's winter now, the season when things grow around here and the hills turn green. We've had a couple good rains so far, but last night and today it just rained and rained. Thank goodness it was a gym day so I could get some exercise. My step count will be going down now that I won't be able to walk to work as often.

I pulled out the down comforter last night. My bed is by the window and the cold air just comes right in because the windows aren't sealed. The heater is on a lot more often and Xena seems to enjoy warming her furself in front of it. I think it's time to pull out my hat and gloves and scarf.

Made it to the gym. I did almost 50 minutes of weights, a half hour of cardio on the elliptical, and then only had time for 12 minutes of walking. I felt pretty good. I think I still have carbs in my system from the weekend and that helps overcome the lack of red blood cells.

I did some research today about how long it takes the body to replace the blood lost in donation, and once again Wikipedia came to the rescue. From it's blood donation page:

Plasma volumes will return to normal in around 24 hours, while red blood cells are replaced by bone marrow into the circulatory system within about 3-5 weeks, and lost iron replaced over 6-8 weeks.

That's the reason for the 8 week waiting period - so that iron levels will be back to normal.

This page also has information and links for requirements in other countries.

My iron was 41% and they don't take anyone below 38%, so I'm okay and not overloaded on iron, which is good news.

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