Sunday, November 26, 2006

Thanksgiving Vacation, Day 5

snow on car<-- as we leave for the airport, it's snowing (click to enlarge)

I was up at 7. I had coffee with heavy cream and sugar-free syrup. It could be a long time until I have it again. I had two slices of low-carb bread with cream cheese and peanut butter (one of each). I also had the last 1/2 slice of the sugar-free chocolate cheesecake.

Renato drove Millie and I to the airport. It snowed last night and there was snow all over the car, but we didn't have to descend far before the warmer temperature (35 degrees) turned the snow into a cold rain.

We parked and I was checked and through security without a glitch. I found my gate and a Starbucks and cheated with a small latte with low-fat milk and sugar-free vanilla syrup. I shouldn't be having milk, but it's the last day of vacation.

Coming up to Seattle I was in the second to last row on the plane; flying back I was in the second row back from first class. Tre cool.

On the plane I asked for the received an entire can of diet Coke to drink, but no snack was legal for me. All they had were honey roasted peanuts and pretzels.

Brad picked me up at the airport and took me home and I unpacked. He gave me a back rub. I started the laundry, and then we went grocery shopping and he took me out to dinner. I had wine, a bunless burger with broccoli instead of potato salad, and an Irish coffee to top it all off. I had a few of the crackers from the cracker and cheese plate. At dinner I discovered my $20 cash back from the grocery store was missing, so we went back and the girl audited her drawer and was $20 over and gave me the money.

We went home and I put my laundry in the drier. I wanted to set up my Christmas tree. Brad ended up cleaning out my closet and we threw out a bunch of stuff. Who knew my closet was so large?

After finishing the closet, we got the tree up and trimmed. Brad gave me another back rub. I fed him a little ice cream and then he went home and I got ready for bed.

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