Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Special election voting day

Calories eaten yesterday: 496
Fat: 6g (12%)
Carbs: 59g (50%)
Protein: 46g (38%)
Calories burned in exercise today: 262

Still feeling boss J’s displeasure even though he hasn’t said anything directly. I don’t know what to do other than mind my Ps and Qs in my duties and pray that God will change his heart.

Today was a special election in California. They are trying to solve the budget crisis and want us to vote on various cuts. My exercise today was walking to my polling place and back (15 minutes each way), then down to BART, then from my stop to work.

I’m still sore from the race. Part of it is not being in as good shape as last year, and part is not stretching before or after. I need to do that today as soon as the boss leaves, and I need to be more careful about stretching in the future.

Anyway, no gym today because I knew I wouldn't be able to work out well with my soreness. I haven’t decided about tomorrow. I’d like to go since it will be my last chance to workout this week (besides walking).

Another reason I couldn't make it to the gym today was that I deleted some Internet connecting preferences on my computer yesterday (the work one doesn't work anymore and I wanted to get rid of the BodyBugg one, etc.) In doing this cleaning I accidentally erased my home preferences so I couldn't connect when I got home last night.

I spent nearly a half hour on the phone with Earthlink trying to get my access back. In the end I have a different access than before and am connected to the Internet 24/7 instead of having to connect. This method doesn't work right away, though (I have to refresh pages a couple of times for it to notice I'm connected) so I don't like it as much.

I'm working on getting my Bay To Breakers photos up on Flickr. So far I am cought up to dinner the night before the race. Here's the Bay To Breakers 2009 set. Keep an eye on it as I add photos over the next several days.

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