Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Catholic Bashing, take 3

Seems they can't handle the truth, so they use their mod powers to lash out. Mods like this are my biggest pet peeve.

Let's see. How can I capsulize this so as not to quote the private material he sent. I think linking to the threads in the other post is more than enough to show how unchristlike these people are.

In a private message to me, Jason first quoted me saying, "You know what they say about assuming... Or do you?" He then basically said yes, and that he'd sent me a warning for saying this. He told me to "dull that sharp tongue of yours."

I then recived a form e-mail where the moderator just has to fill in the necessary information. First that my account has received a warning, and that if I receive more than 3 warning they will lock me out. There are many ways to receive a warning, but mine is because of this post:

He then "kindly" asks me to obey the rules. The rule I broke?

You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening,sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned" If you don't see why you've recived this warning you could try contact (name deleted), who gave the warning, explaining your post, and that you don't understand why this warning is given.

It totally eludes their ability to understand that they apply these rules selectively. They and other Catholic bashers can do anything they want, but God forbid someone try to stand up to them. Only those people get warning. I guess I will take my warning as a badge of honor. :)

At any rate, my post was sexually explicit?! Good Lord. They need help.

Oh well. Reminds me why I left. Maybe this time I'll learn my lesson and not come back again. [bangs head against wall]


Eudaimonia said...

My dear sister Victoria... I read the threads in question, and I'm... not exactly shocked. I am, however, sorry that you had to encounter that sort of intense anti-Catholicism.

I appreciate you trying, but in my experience, these are just the sort of people who will take nothing short of the Holy Spirit to open their eyes to the hatred they are spewing out.

Unknown said...

I fear you are right. It will take nothing less than an act of the Holy Spirit to show then their harted.

So you've been Catholic for a year now. (I read your new blog and saw today's entry.) That's totally cool. You have come a very long way since I first met you.

Anonymous said...

Mod powers. LOL
Ok, i know, it's not funny.
Are you sure Jason isn't really Dove in disguise? What happened to you was VERY similar to what happened to me, only worse:warned, and put on "probation" for pointing out the truth. Well anyway. It's a long story.
BTW Its me, Cindy:-), the mystery guestbook entry person. Thanks for sharing this with me. Victoria, you just keep right on following in the steps of Jesus and it will work out in the end.

Unknown said...


"Dove" at EW put you on probation of pointing out the truth, or a "Dove" at Fresh Hope?